Interview with Victor Deleo : A Professional Photographer and A Skilled Man

Victor Deleo is a professional photographer based in Rome, born in South America on 5Th February 1984, He loves taking pictures since his childhood. He loves shoot the dance, music and create some personal set. After seeing the photographs of Victor Deleo you can easily understand that Victor has excellent command over science and art of photography. All his photographs have a different style and story. He always put all his emotions in his photography that is why people love him.
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself, your blog(s)/website(s),and your aspirations and your hobbies.
Hello my dear Friends, I’m a professional photographer from Rome, you can check my works on or I start to take picture since I was baby and my great great passion and inspiration is the music.
2. How would you describe your photographic vision? What kind of feel do you try and create in your photos?
My photographic vision is open wide and I found emotions in reportage and in studio setting at the same time and my pictures are really focuses on the beauty of the subject.

3. What does photography mean to you?
Photography for me means to create and testify, and for me is both a passion and a profession, I’m one the luckiest man I ever met!
4. What do you do when you are not clicking any pics?
When I’m free I like to play drum, read, listen music and take some nice walk.
5. What are the characteristics that a good Travel Photographer needs to have?
A great travel photographer need to have a great sensibility and a strong personality to returned his personal way to see the world.

6. Tell me about some of the catchy people you have met while clicking pictures?
One funny episode happens in Senegal, I was taking some shoots to a group of cows, near to a small lake, and the shepherd get really upset and run against me, he thinks that my camera drive is cows sick, luckily I wasn’t alone.
7. What is the best compliment do you have ever? Could you please share Happiest Moment in your Photography Life?
Much then a compliment I really love when people are grateful for the memories I give them by my pictures, sometimes take pictures is a big responsibility.
A very happy moment was when a good friend of mine call me in particular for take pictures of his new born child, I was very emotional thinking that I’m the first to take pictures of that human person!

8. What are some simple tips for taking great travel photos?
Simple tips could be to know some good guide on the place and ask him/her for the right moment or some hidden place or just goin around with a free mind and very open wide eyes.
9. How do you pick the spots you travel to?
Sometimes are committed and in that case is the best thing for a professional photographer, sometimes it’s about your interest or you passion.

10. I’m sure you’ve taken hundreds of photos over the years, but do you have a favorite?
Yes my favorite is about some Taiwanese dancer of the Cloud Gate Dance Theater.
11. What is your favorite place to click photographs?
I really love to take pictures on the seaside, i really really love the sea.
12. What’s your secret tip for beginners, who want to start with travel photography?
My tip for the beginners is … take thousand and thousand and thousand and… pictures and never stop to search.

13. Five adjectives that describe you.
Happy, lucky, shine, patient and open-minded
14. Do you get easily provoked by positive/negative comments?
I know my limits and of course I’m glad to receive nice words, I don’t like be criticized on my technic from person without technical bases.
15. You have a website also, please tell me about that?
Yes. I have my personal website. I post on it my personal setting and my works, mostly with dancer and musician.

16. Words for your followers and why they should follow you?
Thanks so much for follow me, I really wish to give them some emotions with my pictures and if you are interested in photography in general I’m really happy to give to everybody my personal vision so everybody can judge it.
17. Words and suggestion about my website
You site is Great!! Keep going!
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