What comes between Hire and Fire? Know the other aspects of HR management
Human Resource Management has come into existence since 1960 from when the companies have started having concerns about their employees and labors working under their organization. Hence, with time, it has become an important aspect of every organization and all kind of businesses now possess a separate department to manage all the tasks regarding their employee issues and solving those. However, there are many tasks to be covered under the single roof of the HR department of the company. The primary concern of this department would be managing communication between Employer and Employees to solve their issues and take care of the employees. This single aspect has covered much responsibility under its name.

The tasks that are required to be attended are not always about hiring workforce and deciding to keep them or not, but it includes many activities such as expense management, payroll management, resources management, workforce management, tackling harassment issues, training new employees and many more. Hence, it holds an important position in the company for working over all the directions and managing all different tasks under a single department only.
Conflict Management
Being an employee of an organization, many of them have expectations from their companies to plan and to take necessary actions that will be helpful in the future. Hence, the HR department deals with conflicts of employees, whether they have issues with resources or any policies of the organization, it is the task of this department to solve all the queries and doubts of them. Ensuring their all issues are being answered, the HR department takes care of any conflicts between employee and the managing forces.
Employee Orientation
As this department holds all the work that involves a human touch in it, they are also responsible for interacting with their potential employees and new customers. As the onboarding of the newly recruited employees is necessary, the HR department conducts the work of employee orientation and starts monitoring them throughout the training period. As per the employee’s area of expertise, they are assigned new work and a designation in the empire by consulting the HR people first to understand the strengths and core working areas of the employee.
Payroll Processing
This department holds the control of the most important duty of all, payroll processing of entire organization. Hence, the people working in the HR department has to accurately calculate the salaries of employees, handle the wages of freelancers or contractors and also has the responsibility of paying taxes too. As payment procedure is most complicated of them all, it requires extra attention to be paid when processing.
Performance Management
As the department is required to monitor the work done by the employees, they have their dedicated measures to map the performance of employees. And according to employees’ performance, they will reward them with incentives or appreciations. As rewarding them can help you in keeping them motivated to work more efficiently, it is the duty of the HR manager to manage their performance reports to award the hard-working employees with additional benefits.
Travel Expense Management
As employees are required to join in conferences and attend meetings being held at different places, the expenses spent after their traveling is required to be paid by their respective companies. Hence, employees are supposed to submit invoices of their expenditure from which the HR department constructs an expense report and submits the report to higher authority. However, the report here must be constructed after verifying the details and invoices the employee has submitted to avoid any unwanted expenditure.
With the changing industry of Human Resource Management, the software has come to rescue of the managers and hence helps them in easing up the tasks related to resource management. The availability of HR software has been a boon for the HR managers, as it has become easier to manage all the activities of employees and has also helped in achieving increased efficiency in all tasks.
About the author
Abhishek Shrivastav is a WordPress and Drupal Expert. He have 9+ years of experience in Web Development. He have developed a wide range of websites for almost all the field. Apart from this, he also work as Professional Blogger and provide services and support to other in solving their CMS related issues. Read more
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