5 Reasons to Bid Farewell to Old Payroll Processing System

Posted by Abhishek Shrivastav | Posted on February 1, 2019


Payroll Processing is all about keeping track of your employees’ wages, your expenses and all the activities related to spending money after. Hence, an efficient system is required to keep records of each transaction performed. This process is having the same importance for businesses belonging to all scales. In past, all records were kept by a dedicated staff who was hired to perform all the duties related to paying salaries, wages, keeping track of extra spending and was responsible for managing their attendance reports too.


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But what are challenges faced by the manual system that an automated system can eliminate? The answer to this question explains the cons of manual processing and the pros that an automated system can provide. Software to replace a whole team of workers seems an interesting concept. However, does this help or does it increase efforts? Well, here are the reasons that can convince businesses to start using the software to automate each and every process related to it.


Tiresome Calculations

As the manual work requires to be done with extra efficiency, it requires repetitive calculations to ensure that no mistakes are done. Imagine a person or group of persons redundantly calculating the wages to be paid on regular basis for each and every employee, freelancers, a contractor working for you or under you including them. Hence, the work of calculating salaries becomes tiresome and time-consuming.


Preparing Reports

Payroll processing covers Travel Expense Management also. Hence, the employee is required to prepare a detailed report of each and every expense that they have borne during the business trip and now has to present proof in the form of invoices to recover the expenses from the company. Also, the department dedicated to this process needs to verify the invoices first and then generate a complete report to get the application passed.


Constant Change in Policies

Being a business, you are abid by the legislature’s rules and regulations and have to pay taxes regularly. However, the change in such policies is required to be known by your manual system as not following them can lend you in trouble. Hence, they must be aware of the changes and the correct drill to be made to complete all the procedures effectively and without doing any errors. The task of payroll compliance requires to be done with extra care and accuracy. Failing at doing so can harm your company’s reputation too.


Multiple Tasks at Hand

As your staff is supposed to work for you and manage the process of payroll also, it lends them in a difficult situation of not performing any of these tasks with efficiency as they will always lack on time. Having multiple responsibilities and roles to perform, they are taking too much on their hand then they can manage which reduces their productivity with time.


Attendance Management

How can you know that your hourly employees are productive during the time they have specified they were working? What if they are trying to fool you around? It is difficult to keep track of such employees attendance reports for every single day. Even your allocated staff will get tired after some time. Therefore, an efficient attendance management system is required to beat all the problems and to increase the productivity of your employees.

These are the primary reasons to abandon the old payroll processing methods and start adopting new ones. The software dedicated to overcoming all these challenges works very efficiently and accurately. The calculations done are surely accurate and hence do not require to be checked redundantly. Hence, using payroll software for your business can help you grow your business exponentially.



Abhishek Shrivastav

About the author

Abhishek Shrivastav is a WordPress and Drupal Expert. He have 9+ years of experience in Web Development. He have developed a wide range of websites for almost all the field. Apart from this, he also work as Professional Blogger and provide services and support to other in solving their CMS related issues. Read more


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