Goa State Museum
The State Museum of Goa is situated up, with the go for incorporating and safeguarding relics, workmanship questions and objects of social significance, tossing light on the antiquated chronicled and social customs of Goa and displaying them specifically, to delineate diverse parts of the Goan History and Culture. This new gallery mind boggling, placed in the EDC Complex in Patto, was introduced by the President of India on June eighteenth, 1996. The gallery as of now has around 8,000 ancient rarities on showcase, which incorporate stone models, wooden items, carvings, bronzes, depictions, compositions, uncommon mint pieces, numismatic accumulation, and anthropological articles. It is well known in addition to different exhibition halls for its gathering of Hindu and Jain relics and figures. Admission to Goa State Museum is free. It is open Monday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.